Maliburn: Malibu Mansions Burn
(Poem for Suzanne Somers and Husband)
Oh such loss of fine properties and homes
Oh such devastation of years of memory making
Farewell to the life known by Suzanne Somers and husband
May their hearts become light after so much pain
Just like a thief, the fire came in, fueled by the wind gusts
In a matter of minutes, it inflicted so much pain
Residents' hearts became heavy with loss
Passersby and university students watch from their homes
Wondering what is going to happen next
Fine homes worth $16 to $25 million are perished
A part of LA county went up in flames
Oh such horror that befell a rich community
Whose borders are the vastness of the Pacific Ocean
Huge holes are created on the shores
Investigators are searching for clues and evidence of such an event
Mother Nature is not kind to the ordinary and well-heeled fortunate
Amidst tears of sorrow, it is difficult to turn one's back on the ruins
Too many memories of good times, parties went up in flames
A new lifestyle takes time to be created; insurance companies must pay
Oh Maliburn! Why so much loss had to come to us?
Why could you not protect us from the stings of pain
At the beginning of this new year? What is there to go on?
Life must go on. New homes will replace those the destroyed ones
New memories will be collected even from the shadows of heavy smokes
Thanks to the local firefighters who battled the raging flames
The sun over the Pacific Ocean will rise again
Soon, the remains of smoldering properties will be cleaned up and gone
A new day will break; hope will be reborn; a new home will rise again
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